Turkish Get-Up Muscles Worked

Turkish Get-Up Turkish Get-Up Muscle Worked Turkish Get-Up Tips

The Turkish get-up is a compound exercise that engages a wide range of muscles throughout the body. Here are the key muscle groups worked during the Turkish get-up:
  • Shoulders:
The shoulder muscles, including the deltoids, rotator cuff, and upper back muscles, are heavily engaged to stabilize the weight overhead throughout the movement.
  • Core:
The abdominal, oblique, and lower back muscles are heavily recruited to maintain a strong, stable core throughout the exercise. This is essential for transferring force and maintaining proper form.
  • Hip Flexors:
The hip flexors, such as the iliopsoas and rectus femoris, are activated during the initial phase of the movement when rising from the floor.
  • Quadriceps:
The quadriceps muscles, particularly the rectus femoris and vastus muscles, are engaged to extend the knee and drive the leg into the standing position.
  • Hamstrings:
The hamstring muscles, including the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus, work to control the lowering of the body and provide hip and knee stability.
  • Glutes:
The gluteal muscles, such as the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, are activated to extend the hip and provide stability during the standing portion of the exercise.
  • Triceps:
The triceps brachii are engaged to extend the arm and support the weight overhead throughout the movement.
  • Forearms and Grip:
The forearm muscles, including the wrist flexors and extensors, as well as the grip strength, are challenged to maintain control of the weight.
  • Stabilizers:
Numerous smaller stabilizing muscles, such as the erector spinae, trapezius, and serratus anterior, work to maintain proper alignment and posture throughout the exercise.
By targeting such a wide range of muscles, the Turkish get-up is an excellent full-body exercise that can improve overall strength, stability, and functional movement patterns. Proper form and controlled execution are crucial to maximizing the benefits and avoiding potential injuries.

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