Fitness Tips — Lunge with Twist muscle worked
How to do Lunge with Twist? Lunge With Twist Benefit, Lunge With Twist Muscle Worked
Lunge with Twist Lunge with Twist benefits Lunge with Twist muscle worked

A lunge twist, also referred to as a lunge with twist, is a lunge exercise in which you twist your midsection to the left or right while in the lunge position, resume the standing position, and repeat, twisting in the opposite direction. What muscles do lunge with a twist work? Lunge twists engage multiple muscle groups. Quadriceps (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius): Responsible for knee extension and hip flexion during the lunge. Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus: Responsible for hip extension and stabilization during the lunge. External and internal obliques: Engaged during the twisting motion...